Friday, June 30, 2006

Final Jeopardy!

"And the final Jeopardy Answer: Sprout, Dumpling, Bean, Mousy and Junebug"

due-due due-due due-due duuue

Let's see what Mojo wrote down, shall we:

"Who are 5 new foster kitties that I'm not allowed to harrass?"


and how much did you wager Mojo?

"all the treats!"

well a cat can dream, can't he.

here are some pics:
Junebug (21059), AKA momma cat:

The whole clan (Animal IDs 21059, 21062-5):
from left to right, mousy, dumpling, and sprout:


Dumpling and Sprout in the wrestling pit:

Mousy jumps in!

Mousy and Dumpling:

Momma and Dumpling; Dumpling has a bad right eye, he will most likely be blind in that eye. :(

PLEASE HELP FOSTER! The Kittens need you help!!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

To a Cat Dying Young

I only met Seuss twice. He was the only foster cat I ever met who could stand up to my aggressive sniffings. I told him when his hip was better, we'd wrestle, drink olive juice, and chase the laser dot together, and everything would be ok. I lied. I'm so sorry Dr. Seuss. Rest in Peace.

Good Luck Seussssss!!!

The new foster cat, Dr. Seuss, is going under the knife today to get his hip repaired. Everyone say a prayer for the big guy.